Leading The Way: Emerging Leadership in 2024 & Beyond with Eddie Turner

Apr. 4, 2024 at 10:01 a.m. MDT

Are you frustrated or confused by how leaders appear to be frozen instead of boldly leading? If you are, you are not alone.

This week, Rock The Stage Show is celebrating its 100th premiere episode with Global Leadership and in-demand speaker, author, and facilitator.

Eddie Turner. Don’t miss “Leading The Way: Emerging Leadership in 2024 and Beyond with Eddie Turner.” Eddie Turner is an in-demand, Harvard-trained leadership development expert who works with leaders to “Accelerate Performance and Drive Impact!”

Eddie is recognized on global rankings, such as being one of the Top 10 Motivational Speakers in the world by Global Gurus for four consecutive years. Eddie, a media personality, has shared his expertise in national print, radio, and television media, such as the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox News, PBS, NPR, and ABC. He has also served as a national media commentator. Eddie is one of Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches.

Join the 100th episode of Rock The Stage Show and take part in the live discussion while getting the opportunity to win some prizes.