Learning Design and Digital Strategies for Education Platforms

Discoverability * Engagement * New Organizational Models * Transforming Learning


Interaction is essential for effective learning. Problem-solving, overcoming ambiguity, deeper understanding… checking, clarifying, and confirming… asking, exploring and wondering… connecting to other knowledge and to the learners’ everyday contexts… “using” the knowledge in a safe and secure setting that allows for mistakes and makes the learning work.  

Without safe interaction, or using-knowledge, it’s hard to see any of these essential learning processes happening and as a result, learning being anything other than knowledge-giving.  

A giving of specific knowledge in specific ways, times and places that, at best, can only ever result in docile learners used to being told what to think and do, afraid of getting things wrong, looking foolish or doing whatever they need just to survive.

Learners who merely listen, sop up, repeat like robots, take the test to see how much, “abstract-from-context”, knowledge has been given.  These are the observations of the post-structural philosophers whose work, as the most progressive theories of human behavior, made enormous impact on all human disciplines because they revealed deep-unseen issues undermining people’s best efforts and intentions regarding learning: what people think should happen, rarely does.  

Worse: science is so precise it breaks up into smaller parts and now the internet scatters an ever-increasing dump of unfiltered knowledges and opinions, like millions of jellybeans scattering across an ice rink.  

No one knows what they can trust with any confidence, people get good at being told what to think and do, are disconnected, confused and paralyzed and certainly not able to adjust and adapt to real-world situations and their complexities… the place that counts most.  

PPN learning design team realizes that we need interactive learning more than ever. Fortunately, new digital technology has changed access to information resources.


There has been a fundamental transformation in the way we find and use information: a tidal wave of video streaming over the internet has taken over as our, “go to”, source for knowledge.  

Research shows; over 4.6 million videos are downloaded every minute, 71% of all internet users stream video for at least 5-7.2 hours a day, 83% of all internet content is video. Finally, there are now seven times more digital devices on earth than people. Digital transformation is no longer something businesses or learning institutions need to consider, it is something that is critical to successful distribution of information.


The PPN team have developed new streaming technologies (OTT software (over-the-top networks)) and design platforms to address and accommodate this fundamental shift in video consumption. We have created new effective learning platforms that can be extensive curated knowledge banks, flexible, easily accessible and that meet the current digital information consumption habits. Software that can be white labeled or embedded into existing cloud distribution networks.


Learning platforms that allow the learning content provider to streaming to the learner a range of videos with attached documents, embedded social media, live streaming, built-in e-commerce, multiple links to other channels and access anywhere, any time and on any device. 


Content providers can maintain social media connections but now can house their learning assets on private platforms, creating better user interfaces and control of their IP and valuable revenue streams.

With the expertise of our learning design experts Dr Joe Mills and CEO Douglas Berquist, PPN has now combined the most progressive learning philosophies with innovative new platform technologies to produce the most effective learning.


Using Knowledge Learning Platforms by The Public Place Network